Saturday 30 October 2010

Creepy Movies To Watch At Halloween: And Then There Were None!

I love, love, LOVE this movie! And I'm not sure if it can possibly be deemed creepy, but it has an amazing Halloween-like atmosphere!

This is an adaptation of Agatha Christie's novel-need I say more? It was written by freakin' Agatha Christie-it was bound to be awesome! And it lives up to it's expectations. The cast is just fantastic-they compliment each other really well and they are all wonderful character actors (I mean, Judith Anderson? She is the queen of character actors!).

That little ornament FREAKS THE HELL OUTTA ME!
And the story-oh, what can I say about the story? Simply not enough! It's just too perfect for words! I'm amazed Mr. Hitchcock himself didn't jump at the chance to direct it! I remember watching it, and afterwards when I was trying to explain to people the amazingness of it I had no words. That's how amazing it was-I never have no words (as all my poor dears know-they all can't wait to get rid of me to give their ears a rest)!

I'm so curious as to what she was knitting...

Honestly, if this movie was a male I would probably marry it-that just proves how perfect I think it is! Do I even need to say I recommend you watch it?!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't everyone die though?! At least, that what my sister said happened in the novel. (I haven't read a lot of Agatha Christie yet.)

Clara Fercovic said...

You definitively picked my interest, I need to see this one...even when I get scared really easily and can't sleep after watching anything creepy :)

QUB English Society said...

@Emm Well, I don't want to ruin it, but not really (about two live!)...but watch it! You won't regret it!

@Clara Oh, it's not really creepy. It has creepy elements (well, one certain one that haunts me to this day...), but I guarantee you will be able to sleep after, or you're money back!

QUB English Society said...

@Clara Clearly I've forgotten how to write. 'You are money back'? Really Niamhy? That is supposed to say 'your money back'! It's too early in the morning...